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Extra funds for research projects on environments for sports and outdoor life

18 June 2024
The Swedish Research Council for Sport Research (CIF) is announcing an additional SEK 1 million to research in the field of “Environments for sports and outdoor life”. The application deadline is September 16, 2024, at 17.00.
Unga kvinnor lapar sol på en basketplan i bostadsområde,
Photo: Pixabay

The extra funding is for projects related to the planning, design, usage and management of all types of environments for sports and outdoor life. The aim of the projects should be to increase the knowledge about how the environment impacts the ability to attract both broad and new groups of sports, exercise and outdoor life practitioners. The project should be based on a public health perspective and the principle of universal design and should incorporate innovative approaches.

CIF encourages applications with clear relevance to sport from all scientific fields. The main applicant must hold a PhD and be employed at a Swedish Higher Educational Institute. The extra call is of the Project grant type and is part of the regular call for proposals.

This focused call is part of a CIF government assignment that has led to the creation of the Swedish Center for Sports and Outdoor Facilities.