Decision on research grants
Approval of grants for projects, postdocs, and organisations and networks for 2025 was decided by the CIF board on November 27, 2024. The proposals have been evaluated by the CIF Scientific Review Panel which then has proposed an allocation of funds to the board.
Information regarding the assessment, the evaluation report to applicants, and Terms and conditions for an approved grant (if applicable) are available in the CIF grant management system.
Note! Please be aware that only a confirmation of approval in the grant management system guarantees that the application has been granted.
Download the list of approved grants
Approval of terms and conditions
To accept a grant, the principal investigator must sign the document "Acceptance of terms". The head of the department (or equivalent) is also required to sign the document. Additionally, account information for payment needs to be submitted through the application system.
How to accept the grant
If your application has been approved, the document "Godkännande av villkor" is published in the grant management system. Follow these steps to accept the grant:
- Log in to the CIF grant management system
- Verify that the information under Personal Data is correct
- Select the application number and click on the link to print the terms and conditions
- Sign the document digitally udsing eduSign. The head of your department should also sign it. (Or sign it on paper and the scan the signed document)
- Upload the signed document to the grant management system
- In the grant management, provide the following account information for payment:
- Account number
- Account holder
- Payment reference