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Monitoring state support for sport

In 2009, the government conferred on the Swedish Research Council for Sport Science the responsibility for monitoring state support for sport on a regular, long-term basis.

The process consists of:

  • continuous monitoring of developments within organized sport via a set of indicators,
  • annual in-depth analyses of particular aspects of sport specified by the government,
  • monitoring of relevant research in the field of sport science.

The set of indicators is designed to reflect the objectives of government support for sport, as expressed in the government’s directive for state funding for sporting activities (1999:1177).  There are 21 indicators , divided into five areas. The information, which is collected every year from sporting organizations and public authorities, gives a broad picture of the current state of organized sport and its development in Sweden.

While the indicators sketches a broad picture of the development of sport in Sweden, more detailed and thorough analyses are carried out in specific and clearly defined areas.  Every year the government decides which areas will form the focus of these in-depth studies.

The Swedish Research Council for Sport Science presents the results of its monitoring activities every year in April/May. In the report, Statens stöd till idrotten (State support for sport), a general analysis and summary of the year’s activities are given, along with up-to-date results from the indicators. At the same time, the results of our in-depth studies are presented in separate reports.

Johan R Norberg
Professor of Sport Sciences